Package: | |
Defined In: | JsonWriter.js |
Class: | JsonWriter |
Extends: | DataWriter |
Config Options | Defined By | |
createRecord : Function Abstract method that should be implemented in all subclasses
(e.g.: JsonWriter.createRecord) | DataWriter | |
destroyRecord : Function Abstract method that should be implemented in all subclasses
(e.g.: JsonWriter.destroyRecord) | DataWriter | |
encode : Boolean true to JSON encode the
hashed data into a standard HTTP parameter named after this
Reader's meta.root property which... true to JSON encode the
hashed data into a standard HTTP parameter named after this
Reader's If set to When using, set this to false since Ext.Direct.JsonProvider will perform its own json-encoding. In addition, if you're using, setting to false will cause HttpProxy to transmit data using the jsonData configuration-params of Ext.Ajax.request instead of params. When using a Store, some serverside frameworks are tuned to expect data through the jsonData mechanism. In those cases, one will want to set encode: false, as in let the lower-level connection object (eg: Ext.Ajax) do the encoding. | JsonWriter | |
encodeDelete : Boolean False to send only the id to the server on delete, true to encode it in an object
literal, eg: {id: 1} Defaults to fa... False to send only the id to the server on delete, true to encode it in an object
literal, eg: Defaults to false | JsonWriter | |
listful : Boolean false by default. Set true to have the DataWriter always write HTTP params as a list,
even when acting upon a single... false by default. Set true to have the DataWriter always write HTTP params as a list,
even when acting upon a single record. | DataWriter | |
updateRecord : Function Abstract method that should be implemented in all subclasses
(e.g.: JsonWriter.updateRecord | DataWriter | |
writeAllFields : Boolean false by default. Set true to have DataWriter return ALL fields of a modified
record -- not just those that changed.... false by default. Set true to have DataWriter return ALL fields of a modified
record -- not just those that changed.
false to have DataWriter only request modified fields from a record. | DataWriter |
Method | Defined By | |
apply( Object params , Object baseParams , String action , Record/Record[] rs )
voidCompiles a Store recordset into a data-format defined by an extension such as or Compiles a Store recordset into a data-format defined by an extension such as or in preparation for a server-write action. The first two params are similar similar in nature to Ext.apply,
Where the first parameter is the receiver of paramaters and the second, baseParams, the source. Parameters:
| DataWriter | |
createRecord( rec )
ObjectImplements abstract Implements abstract Parameters:
| JsonWriter | |
destroyRecord( rec )
ObjectImplements abstract Implements abstract Parameters:
| JsonWriter | |
render( Object Ajax , Object baseParams , Object/Object[] data )
voidThis method should not need to be called by application code, however it may be useful on occasion to
override it, or... This method should not need to be called by application code, however it may be useful on occasion to override it, or augment it with an interceptor or sequence. The provided implementation encodes the serialized data representing the Store's modified Records into the Ajax request's
| JsonWriter | |
toArray( Hash data )
[Object]Converts a Hashed to fields-array array suitable
for encoding to xml via XTemplate, eg:
<tpl for="... Converts a Hashed to fields-array array suitable
for encoding to xml via XTemplate, eg:
eg, non-phantom:
Phantom records will have had their idProperty omitted in toHash if determined to be auto-generated.
Non AUTOINCREMENT pks should have been protected.Parameters:
| DataWriter | |
toHash( rec , Object config )
ObjectConverts a Record to a hash, taking into account the state of the along with configuration properties... Converts a Record to a hash, taking into account the state of the along with configuration properties
related to its rendering, such as writeAllFields, phantom, getChanges and
idProperty Parameters:
| DataWriter | |
updateRecord( rec )
ObjectImplements abstract Implements abstract Parameters:
| JsonWriter |