Package: | |
Defined In: | XmlWriter.js |
Class: | XmlWriter |
Extends: | DataWriter |
Config Options | Defined By | |
createRecord : Function Abstract method that should be implemented in all subclasses
(e.g.: JsonWriter.createRecord) | DataWriter | |
destroyRecord : Function Abstract method that should be implemented in all subclasses
(e.g.: JsonWriter.destroyRecord) | DataWriter | |
documentRoot : String [xrequest] (Optional) The name of the XML document root-node. Note:
this parameter is required only when sending ext... [xrequest] (Optional) The name of the XML document root-node. Note:
this parameter is required only when sending extra baseParams to the server
during a write-request -- if no baseParams are set, the meta-property can
suffice as the XML document root-node for write-actions involving just a single record. For requests
involving multiple records and NO baseParams, the property can
act as the XML document root. | XmlWriter | |
forceDocumentRoot : Boolean [false] Set to true to force XML documents having a root-node as defined
by documentRoot, even with no baseParams def... [false] Set to true to force XML documents having a root-node as defined
by documentRoot, even with no baseParams defined. | XmlWriter | |
listful : Boolean false by default. Set true to have the DataWriter always write HTTP params as a list,
even when acting upon a single... false by default. Set true to have the DataWriter always write HTTP params as a list,
even when acting upon a single record. | DataWriter | |
root : String [records] The name of the containing element which will contain the nodes of an write-action involving multiple recor... [records] The name of the containing element which will contain the nodes of an write-action involving multiple records. Each
xml-record written to the server will be wrapped in an element named after property.
However, when multiple records are written in a batch-operation, these records must be wrapped in a containing
Defaults to records. Do not confuse the nature of this property with that of documentRoot | XmlWriter | |
tpl : String/Ext.XTemplate The XML template used to render write-actions to your server.
One can easily provide his/her own custom template-defi... The XML template used to render write-actions to your server.
One can easily provide his/her own custom template-definition if the default does not suffice. Defaults to:
Templates will be called with the following API
| XmlWriter | |
updateRecord : Function Abstract method that should be implemented in all subclasses
(e.g.: JsonWriter.updateRecord | DataWriter | |
writeAllFields : Boolean false by default. Set true to have DataWriter return ALL fields of a modified
record -- not just those that changed.... false by default. Set true to have DataWriter return ALL fields of a modified
record -- not just those that changed.
false to have DataWriter only request modified fields from a record. | DataWriter | |
xmlEncoding : String [ISO-8859-15] The encoding written to header of xml documents.
| XmlWriter | |
xmlVersion : String [1.0] The version written to header of xml documents.
| XmlWriter |
Method | Defined By | |
apply( Object params , Object baseParams , String action , Record/Record[] rs )
voidCompiles a Store recordset into a data-format defined by an extension such as or Compiles a Store recordset into a data-format defined by an extension such as or in preparation for a server-write action. The first two params are similar similar in nature to Ext.apply,
Where the first parameter is the receiver of paramaters and the second, baseParams, the source. Parameters:
| DataWriter | |
createRecord( rec )
ArraycreateRecord createRecord Parameters:
| XmlWriter | |
destroyRecord( rec )
ArraydestroyRecord destroyRecord Parameters:
| XmlWriter | |
render( Object params , Object baseParams , Object/Object[] data )
voidXmlWriter implementation of the final stage of a write action. XmlWriter implementation of the final stage of a write action. Parameters:
| XmlWriter | |
toArray( Hash data )
[Object]Converts a Hashed to fields-array array suitable
for encoding to xml via XTemplate, eg:
<tpl for="... Converts a Hashed to fields-array array suitable
for encoding to xml via XTemplate, eg:
eg, non-phantom:
Phantom records will have had their idProperty omitted in toHash if determined to be auto-generated.
Non AUTOINCREMENT pks should have been protected.Parameters:
| DataWriter | |
toHash( rec , Object config )
ObjectConverts a Record to a hash, taking into account the state of the along with configuration properties... Converts a Record to a hash, taking into account the state of the along with configuration properties
related to its rendering, such as writeAllFields, phantom, getChanges and
idProperty Parameters:
| DataWriter | |
updateRecord( rec )
ArrayupdateRecord updateRecord Parameters:
| XmlWriter |