Package: | Ext.form |
Defined In: | Action.js |
Class: | Action.DirectSubmit |
Extends: | Action.Submit |
Provides support for submitting form data.
This example illustrates usage of Ext.Direct to submit a form through Ext.Direct.
var myFormPanel = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
// configs for FormPanel
title: 'Basic Information',
renderTo: document.body,
width: 300, height: 160,
padding: 10,
text: 'Submit',
handler: function(){
params: {
foo: 'bar',
uid: 34
// configs apply to child items
defaults: {anchor: '100%'},
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'Name',
name: 'name'
fieldLabel: 'Email',
name: 'email'
fieldLabel: 'Company',
name: 'company'
// configs for BasicForm
api: {
// The server-side method to call for load() requests
load: Profile.getBasicInfo,
// The server-side must mark the submit handler as a 'formHandler'
submit: Profile.updateBasicInfo
// specify the order for the passed params
paramOrder: ['uid', 'foo']
The data packet sent to the server will resemble something like:
"name":"Aaron Conran","email":"","company":"Ext JS, LLC"
The form will process a data packet returned by the server that is similar
to the following:
// sample success packet (batched requests)
// sample failure packet (one request)
"email":"already taken"
Also see the discussion in Ext.form.Action.DirectLoad.Config Options | Defined By | |
clientValidation : boolean Determines whether a Form's fields are validated
in a final call to isValid prior to submission.
Pass false in the Fo... Determines whether a Form's fields are validated
in a final call to isValid prior to submission.
Pass false in the Form's submit options to prevent this. If not defined, pre-submission field validation
is performed. | Action.Submit | |
errorReader : Optional. JSON is interpreted with
no need for an errorReader.
A Reader which reads a single record from the returned... Optional. JSON is interpreted with no need for an errorReader. A Reader which reads a single record from the returned data. The DataReader's success property specifies how submission success is determined. The Record's data provides the error messages to apply to any invalid form Fields. | Action.Submit | |
failure : Function The function to call when a failure packet was recieved, or when an
error ocurred in the Ajax communication.
The func... The function to call when a failure packet was recieved, or when an
error ocurred in the Ajax communication.
The function is passed the following parameters:
| Action | |
method : String The HTTP method to use to access the requested URL. Defaults to the
Ext.form.BasicForm's method, or if that is not sp... The HTTP method to use to access the requested URL. Defaults to the
Ext.form.BasicForm's method, or if that is not specified, the underlying DOM form's method. | Action | |
params : Mixed Extra parameter values to pass. These are added to the Form's
Ext.form.BasicForm.baseParams and passed to the specifi... Extra parameter values to pass. These are added to the Form's Ext.form.BasicForm.baseParams and passed to the specified URL along with the Form's input fields. Parameters are encoded as standard HTTP parameters using Ext.urlEncode. | Action | |
reset : Boolean When set to true, causes the Form to be
reset on Action success. If specified, this happens
before the success callba... When set to true, causes the Form to be
reset on Action success. If specified, this happens
before the success callback is called and before the Form's
actioncomplete event fires. | Action | |
scope : Object The scope in which to call the callback functions (The this reference
for the callback functions). | Action | |
submitEmptyText : Boolean If set to true, the emptyText value will be sent with the form
when it is submitted. Defaults to true. | Action | |
success : Function The function to call when a valid success return packet is recieved.
The function is passed the following parameters:... The function to call when a valid success return packet is recieved.
The function is passed the following parameters:
| Action | |
timeout : Number The number of seconds to wait for a server response before
failing with the failureType as Action.CONNECT_FAILURE. If... The number of seconds to wait for a server response before
failing with the failureType as Action.CONNECT_FAILURE. If not specified,
defaults to the configured timeout of the
form. | Action | |
url : String The URL that the Action is to invoke. | Action | |
waitMsg : String The message to be displayed by a call to Ext.MessageBox.wait
during the time the action is being processed. | Action | |
waitTitle : String The title to be displayed by a call to Ext.MessageBox.wait
during the time the action is being processed. | Action |
Property | Defined By | |
CLIENT_INVALID : String Failure type returned when client side validation of the Form fails
thus aborting a submit action. Client side valida... Failure type returned when client side validation of the Form fails
thus aborting a submit action. Client side validation is performed unless
clientValidation is explicitly set to false. | Action | |
CONNECT_FAILURE : String Failure type returned when a communication error happens when attempting
to send a request to the remote server. The ... Failure type returned when a communication error happens when attempting
to send a request to the remote server. The response may be examined to
provide further information. | Action | |
LOAD_FAILURE : String Failure type returned when the response's <tt style="font-weight:bold">success
property is set to false, or no field ... Failure type returned when the response's success
property is set to false, or no field values are returned in the response's
data property. | Action | |
SERVER_INVALID : String Failure type returned when server side processing fails and the result's
<tt style="font-weight:bold">success propert... | Action | |
failureType : String The type of failure detected will be one of these: CLIENT_INVALID,
SERVER_INVALID, CONNECT_FAILURE, or LOAD_FAILURE. ... The type of failure detected will be one of these: CLIENT_INVALID,
| Action | |
response : Object The XMLHttpRequest object used to perform the action. | Action | |
result : Object The decoded response object containing a boolean <tt style="font-weight:bold">success property and
other, action-spec... The decoded response object containing a boolean success property and
other, action-specific properties. | Action | |
type : String The type of action this Action instance performs.
Currently only "submit" and "load" are supported. | Action |