Package: | Ext.list |
Defined In: | Column.js |
Class: | BooleanColumn |
Extends: | Column |
A Column definition class which renders boolean data fields. See the xtype config option of Ext.list.Column for more details.
Config Options | Defined By | |
align : String Set the CSS text-align property of the column. Defaults to 'left'. | Column | |
cls : String Optional. This option can be used to add a CSS class to the cell of each
row for this column. | Column | |
dataIndex : String Required. The name of the field in the
ListViews's's definition from
which to draw the... Required. The name of the field in the ListViews's's definition from which to draw the column's value. | Column | |
falseText : String The string returned by the renderer when the column value is falsey (but not undefined) (defaults to
'false'). | BooleanColumn | |
header : String Optional. The header text to be used as innerHTML
(html tags are accepted) to display in the ListView. Note: to
have... Optional. The header text to be used as innerHTML
(html tags are accepted) to display in the ListView. Note: to
have a clickable header with no text displayed use ' '. | Column | |
tpl : String Optional. Specify a string to pass as the
configuration string for Ext.XTemplate. By default an Ext.XTemplate
will b... Optional. Specify a string to pass as the
configuration string for Ext.XTemplate. By default an Ext.XTemplate
will be implicitly created using the dataIndex. | Column | |
trueText : String The string returned by the renderer when the column value is not falsey (defaults to 'true'). | BooleanColumn | |
undefinedText : String The string returned by the renderer when the column value is undefined (defaults to ' '). | BooleanColumn | |
width : Number Optional. Percentage of the container width
this column should be allocated. Columns that have no width specified wi... Optional. Percentage of the container width
this column should be allocated. Columns that have no width specified will be
allocated with an equal percentage to fill 100% of the container width. To easily take
advantage of the full container width, leave the width of at least one column undefined.
Note that if you do not want to take up the full width of the container, the width of
every column needs to be explicitly defined. | Column |