/*! * Ext JS Library 3.3.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Sencha Inc. * [email protected] * http://www.sencha.com/license */ /** * @class Ext.layout.BoxLayout * @extends Ext.layout.ContainerLayout *Base Class for HBoxLayout and VBoxLayout Classes. Generally it should not need to be used directly.
*/ Ext.layout.BoxLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.ContainerLayout, { /** * @cfg {Object} defaultMargins *If the individual contained items do not have a margins * property specified, the default margins from this property will be * applied to each item.
*This property may be specified as an object containing margins * to apply in the format:
*{ top: (top margin), right: (right margin), bottom: (bottom margin), left: (left margin) }
This property may also be specified as a string containing * space-separated, numeric margin values. The order of the sides associated * with each value matches the way CSS processes margin values:
- If there is only one value, it applies to all sides.
*- If there are two values, the top and bottom borders are set to the * first value and the right and left are set to the second.
*- If there are three values, the top is set to the first value, the left * and right are set to the second, and the bottom is set to the third.
*- If there are four values, they apply to the top, right, bottom, and * left, respectively.
*Defaults to:
*/ defaultMargins : {left:0,top:0,right:0,bottom:0}, /** * @cfg {String} padding ** {top:0, right:0, bottom:0, left:0} *
Sets the padding to be applied to all child items managed by this layout.
*This property must be specified as a string containing * space-separated, numeric padding values. The order of the sides associated * with each value matches the way CSS processes padding values:
- If there is only one value, it applies to all sides.
*- If there are two values, the top and bottom borders are set to the * first value and the right and left are set to the second.
*- If there are three values, the top is set to the first value, the left * and right are set to the second, and the bottom is set to the third.
*- If there are four values, they apply to the top, right, bottom, and * left, respectively.
*Defaults to:
*/ padding : '0', // documented in subclasses pack : 'start', // private monitorResize : true, type: 'box', scrollOffset : 0, extraCls : 'x-box-item', targetCls : 'x-box-layout-ct', innerCls : 'x-box-inner', constructor : function(config){ Ext.layout.BoxLayout.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); if (Ext.isString(this.defaultMargins)) { this.defaultMargins = this.parseMargins(this.defaultMargins); } var handler = this.overflowHandler; if (typeof handler == 'string') { handler = { type: handler }; } var handlerType = 'none'; if (handler && handler.type != undefined) { handlerType = handler.type; } var constructor = Ext.layout.boxOverflow[handlerType]; if (constructor[this.type]) { constructor = constructor[this.type]; } this.overflowHandler = new constructor(this, handler); }, /** * @private * Runs the child box calculations and caches them in childBoxCache. Subclasses can used these cached values * when laying out */ onLayout: function(container, target) { Ext.layout.BoxLayout.superclass.onLayout.call(this, container, target); var tSize = this.getLayoutTargetSize(), items = this.getVisibleItems(container), calcs = this.calculateChildBoxes(items, tSize), boxes = calcs.boxes, meta = calcs.meta; //invoke the overflow handler, if one is configured if (tSize.width > 0) { var handler = this.overflowHandler, method = meta.tooNarrow ? 'handleOverflow' : 'clearOverflow'; var results = handler[method](calcs, tSize); if (results) { if (results.targetSize) { tSize = results.targetSize; } if (results.recalculate) { items = this.getVisibleItems(container); calcs = this.calculateChildBoxes(items, tSize); boxes = calcs.boxes; } } } /** * @private * @property layoutTargetLastSize * @type Object * Private cache of the last measured size of the layout target. This should never be used except by * BoxLayout subclasses during their onLayout run. */ this.layoutTargetLastSize = tSize; /** * @private * @property childBoxCache * @type Array * Array of the last calculated height, width, top and left positions of each visible rendered component * within the Box layout. */ this.childBoxCache = calcs; this.updateInnerCtSize(tSize, calcs); this.updateChildBoxes(boxes); // Putting a box layout into an overflowed container is NOT correct and will make a second layout pass necessary. this.handleTargetOverflow(tSize, container, target); }, /** * Resizes and repositions each child component * @param {Array} boxes The box measurements */ updateChildBoxes: function(boxes) { for (var i = 0, length = boxes.length; i < length; i++) { var box = boxes[i], comp = box.component; if (box.dirtySize) { comp.setSize(box.width, box.height); } // Don't set positions to NaN if (isNaN(box.left) || isNaN(box.top)) { continue; } comp.setPosition(box.left, box.top); } }, /** * @private * Called by onRender just before the child components are sized and positioned. This resizes the innerCt * to make sure all child items fit within it. We call this before sizing the children because if our child * items are larger than the previous innerCt size the browser will insert scrollbars and then remove them * again immediately afterwards, giving a performance hit. * Subclasses should provide an implementation. * @param {Object} currentSize The current height and width of the innerCt * @param {Array} calculations The new box calculations of all items to be laid out */ updateInnerCtSize: function(tSize, calcs) { var align = this.align, padding = this.padding, width = tSize.width, height = tSize.height; if (this.type == 'hbox') { var innerCtWidth = width, innerCtHeight = calcs.meta.maxHeight + padding.top + padding.bottom; if (align == 'stretch') { innerCtHeight = height; } else if (align == 'middle') { innerCtHeight = Math.max(height, innerCtHeight); } } else { var innerCtHeight = height, innerCtWidth = calcs.meta.maxWidth + padding.left + padding.right; if (align == 'stretch') { innerCtWidth = width; } else if (align == 'center') { innerCtWidth = Math.max(width, innerCtWidth); } } this.innerCt.setSize(innerCtWidth || undefined, innerCtHeight || undefined); }, /** * @private * This should be called after onLayout of any BoxLayout subclass. If the target's overflow is not set to 'hidden', * we need to lay out a second time because the scrollbars may have modified the height and width of the layout * target. Having a Box layout inside such a target is therefore not recommended. * @param {Object} previousTargetSize The size and height of the layout target before we just laid out * @param {Ext.Container} container The container * @param {Ext.Element} target The target element */ handleTargetOverflow: function(previousTargetSize, container, target) { var overflow = target.getStyle('overflow'); if (overflow && overflow != 'hidden' &&!this.adjustmentPass) { var newTargetSize = this.getLayoutTargetSize(); if (newTargetSize.width != previousTargetSize.width || newTargetSize.height != previousTargetSize.height){ this.adjustmentPass = true; this.onLayout(container, target); } } delete this.adjustmentPass; }, // private isValidParent : function(c, target) { return this.innerCt && c.getPositionEl().dom.parentNode == this.innerCt.dom; }, /** * @private * Returns all items that are both rendered and visible * @return {Array} All matching items */ getVisibleItems: function(ct) { var ct = ct || this.container, t = ct.getLayoutTarget(), cti = ct.items.items, len = cti.length, i, c, items = []; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if((c = cti[i]).rendered && this.isValidParent(c, t) && c.hidden !== true && c.collapsed !== true && c.shouldLayout !== false){ items.push(c); } } return items; }, // private renderAll : function(ct, target) { if (!this.innerCt) { // the innerCt prevents wrapping and shuffling while the container is resizing this.innerCt = target.createChild({cls:this.innerCls}); this.padding = this.parseMargins(this.padding); } Ext.layout.BoxLayout.superclass.renderAll.call(this, ct, this.innerCt); }, getLayoutTargetSize : function() { var target = this.container.getLayoutTarget(), ret; if (target) { ret = target.getViewSize(); // IE in strict mode will return a width of 0 on the 1st pass of getViewSize. // Use getStyleSize to verify the 0 width, the adjustment pass will then work properly // with getViewSize if (Ext.isIE && Ext.isStrict && ret.width == 0){ ret = target.getStyleSize(); } ret.width -= target.getPadding('lr'); ret.height -= target.getPadding('tb'); } return ret; }, // private renderItem : function(c) { if(Ext.isString(c.margins)){ c.margins = this.parseMargins(c.margins); }else if(!c.margins){ c.margins = this.defaultMargins; } Ext.layout.BoxLayout.superclass.renderItem.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * @private */ destroy: function() { Ext.destroy(this.overflowHandler); Ext.layout.BoxLayout.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); Ext.ns('Ext.layout.boxOverflow'); /** * @class Ext.layout.boxOverflow.None * @extends Object * Base class for Box Layout overflow handlers. These specialized classes are invoked when a Box Layout * (either an HBox or a VBox) has child items that are either too wide (for HBox) or too tall (for VBox) * for its container. */ Ext.layout.boxOverflow.None = Ext.extend(Object, { constructor: function(layout, config) { this.layout = layout; Ext.apply(this, config || {}); }, handleOverflow: Ext.emptyFn, clearOverflow: Ext.emptyFn }); Ext.layout.boxOverflow.none = Ext.layout.boxOverflow.None;"0"