 * Ext JS Library 3.3.1
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Sencha Inc.
 * [email protected]
 * http://www.sencha.com/license
 * @class Ext.CompositeElementLite
Ext.apply(Ext.CompositeElementLite.prototype, {
    addElements : function(els, root){
            return this;
        if(typeof els == "string"){
            els = Ext.Element.selectorFunction(els, root);
        var yels = this.elements;
        Ext.each(els, function(e) {
        return this;

/** * Returns the first Element * @return {Ext.Element} */ first : function(){ return this.item(0); },
/** * Returns the last Element * @return {Ext.Element} */ last : function(){ return this.item(this.getCount()-1); },
/** * Returns true if this composite contains the passed element * @param el {Mixed} The id of an element, or an Ext.Element, or an HtmlElement to find within the composite collection. * @return Boolean */ contains : function(el){ return this.indexOf(el) != -1; },
/** * Removes the specified element(s). * @param {Mixed} el The id of an element, the Element itself, the index of the element in this composite * or an array of any of those. * @param {Boolean} removeDom (optional) True to also remove the element from the document * @return {CompositeElement} this */ removeElement : function(keys, removeDom){ var me = this, els = this.elements, el; Ext.each(keys, function(val){ if ((el = (els[val] || els[val = me.indexOf(val)]))) { if(removeDom){ if(el.dom){ el.remove(); }else{ Ext.removeNode(el); } } els.splice(val, 1); } }); return this; } });