 * Ext JS Library 3.3.1
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Sencha Inc.
 * [email protected]
 * http://www.sencha.com/license
/** * @class Ext.layout.FormLayout * @extends Ext.layout.AnchorLayout *

This layout manager is specifically designed for rendering and managing child Components of * {@link Ext.form.FormPanel forms}. It is responsible for rendering the labels of * {@link Ext.form.Field Field}s.

* *

This layout manager is used when a Container is configured with the layout:'form' * {@link Ext.Container#layout layout} config option, and should generally not need to be created directly * via the new keyword. See {@link Ext.Container#layout} for additional details.

* *

In an application, it will usually be preferrable to use a {@link Ext.form.FormPanel FormPanel} * (which is configured with FormLayout as its layout class by default) since it also provides built-in * functionality for {@link Ext.form.BasicForm#doAction loading, validating and submitting} the form.

* *

A {@link Ext.Container Container} using the FormLayout layout manager (e.g. * {@link Ext.form.FormPanel} or specifying layout:'form') can also accept the following * layout-specific config properties:

* *

Any Component (including Fields) managed by FormLayout accepts the following as a config option: *

* *

Any Component managed by FormLayout may be rendered as a form field (with an associated label) by * configuring it with a non-null {@link Ext.Component#fieldLabel fieldLabel}. Components configured * in this way may be configured with the following options which affect the way the FormLayout renders them: *

* *

Example usage:


// Required if showing validation messages

// While you can create a basic Panel with layout:'form', practically
// you should usually use a FormPanel to also get its form functionality
// since it already creates a FormLayout internally.
var form = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
    title: 'Form Layout',
    bodyStyle: 'padding:15px',
    width: 350,
    defaultType: 'textfield',
    defaults: {
        // applied to each contained item
        width: 230,
        msgTarget: 'side'
    items: [{
            fieldLabel: 'First Name',
            name: 'first',
            allowBlank: false,
            {@link Ext.Component#labelSeparator labelSeparator}: ':' // override labelSeparator layout config
            fieldLabel: 'Last Name',
            name: 'last'
            fieldLabel: 'Email',
            name: 'email',
        }, {
            xtype: 'textarea',
            hideLabel: true,     // override hideLabels layout config
            name: 'msg',
            anchor: '100% -53'
    buttons: [
        {text: 'Save'},
        {text: 'Cancel'}
    layoutConfig: {
        {@link #labelSeparator}: '~' // superseded by assignment below
    // config options applicable to container when layout='form':
    hideLabels: false,
    labelAlign: 'left',   // or 'right' or 'top'
    {@link Ext.form.FormPanel#labelSeparator labelSeparator}: '>>', // takes precedence over layoutConfig value
    labelWidth: 65,       // defaults to 100
    labelPad: 8           // defaults to 5, must specify labelWidth to be honored
*/ Ext.layout.FormLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.AnchorLayout, {
/** * @cfg {String} labelSeparator * See {@link Ext.form.FormPanel}.{@link Ext.form.FormPanel#labelSeparator labelSeparator}. Configuration * of this property at the container level takes precedence. */ labelSeparator : ':',
/** * Read only. The CSS style specification string added to field labels in this layout if not * otherwise {@link Ext.Component#labelStyle specified by each contained field}. * @type String * @property labelStyle */
/** * @cfg {Boolean} trackLabels * True to show/hide the field label when the field is hidden. Defaults to true. */ trackLabels: true, type: 'form', onRemove: function(c){ Ext.layout.FormLayout.superclass.onRemove.call(this, c); if(this.trackLabels){ c.un('show', this.onFieldShow, this); c.un('hide', this.onFieldHide, this); } // check for itemCt, since we may be removing a fieldset or something similar var el = c.getPositionEl(), ct = c.getItemCt && c.getItemCt(); if (c.rendered && ct) { if (el && el.dom) { el.insertAfter(ct); } Ext.destroy(ct); Ext.destroyMembers(c, 'label', 'itemCt'); if (c.customItemCt) { Ext.destroyMembers(c, 'getItemCt', 'customItemCt'); } } }, // private setContainer : function(ct){ Ext.layout.FormLayout.superclass.setContainer.call(this, ct); if(ct.labelAlign){ ct.addClass('x-form-label-'+ct.labelAlign); } if(ct.hideLabels){ Ext.apply(this, { labelStyle: 'display:none', elementStyle: 'padding-left:0;', labelAdjust: 0 }); }else{ this.labelSeparator = Ext.isDefined(ct.labelSeparator) ? ct.labelSeparator : this.labelSeparator; ct.labelWidth = ct.labelWidth || 100; if(Ext.isNumber(ct.labelWidth)){ var pad = Ext.isNumber(ct.labelPad) ? ct.labelPad : 5; Ext.apply(this, { labelAdjust: ct.labelWidth + pad, labelStyle: 'width:' + ct.labelWidth + 'px;', elementStyle: 'padding-left:' + (ct.labelWidth + pad) + 'px' }); } if(ct.labelAlign == 'top'){ Ext.apply(this, { labelStyle: 'width:auto;', labelAdjust: 0, elementStyle: 'padding-left:0;' }); } } }, // private isHide: function(c){ return c.hideLabel || this.container.hideLabels; }, onFieldShow: function(c){ c.getItemCt().removeClass('x-hide-' + c.hideMode); // Composite fields will need to layout after the container is made visible if (c.isComposite) { c.doLayout(); } }, onFieldHide: function(c){ c.getItemCt().addClass('x-hide-' + c.hideMode); }, //private getLabelStyle: function(s){ var ls = '', items = [this.labelStyle, s]; for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; ++i){ if (items[i]){ ls += items[i]; if (ls.substr(-1, 1) != ';'){ ls += ';'; } } } return ls; },
/** * @cfg {Ext.Template} fieldTpl * A {@link Ext.Template#compile compile}d {@link Ext.Template} for rendering * the fully wrapped, labeled and styled form Field. Defaults to:

new Ext.Template(
    '<div class="x-form-item {itemCls}" tabIndex="-1">',
        '<label for="{id}" style="{labelStyle}" class="x-form-item-label">{label}{labelSeparator}</label>',
        '<div class="x-form-element" id="x-form-el-{id}" style="{elementStyle}">',
        '</div><div class="{clearCls}"></div>',

This may be specified to produce a different DOM structure when rendering form Fields.


A description of the properties within the template follows:


Also see {@link #getTemplateArgs}

*/ /** * @private * */ renderItem : function(c, position, target){ if(c && (c.isFormField || c.fieldLabel) && c.inputType != 'hidden'){ var args = this.getTemplateArgs(c); if(Ext.isNumber(position)){ position = target.dom.childNodes[position] || null; } if(position){ c.itemCt = this.fieldTpl.insertBefore(position, args, true); }else{ c.itemCt = this.fieldTpl.append(target, args, true); } if(!c.getItemCt){ // Non form fields don't have getItemCt, apply it here // This will get cleaned up in onRemove Ext.apply(c, { getItemCt: function(){ return c.itemCt; }, customItemCt: true }); } c.label = c.getItemCt().child('label.x-form-item-label'); if(!c.rendered){ c.render('x-form-el-' + c.id); }else if(!this.isValidParent(c, target)){ Ext.fly('x-form-el-' + c.id).appendChild(c.getPositionEl()); } if(this.trackLabels){ if(c.hidden){ this.onFieldHide(c); } c.on({ scope: this, show: this.onFieldShow, hide: this.onFieldHide }); } this.configureItem(c); }else { Ext.layout.FormLayout.superclass.renderItem.apply(this, arguments); } },
/** *

Provides template arguments for rendering the fully wrapped, labeled and styled form Field.


This method returns an object hash containing properties used by the layout's {@link #fieldTpl} * to create a correctly wrapped, labeled and styled form Field. This may be overriden to * create custom layouts. The properties which must be returned are:

* @param (Ext.form.Field} field The {@link Ext.form.Field Field} being rendered. * @return {Object} An object hash containing the properties required to render the Field. */ getTemplateArgs: function(field) { var noLabelSep = !field.fieldLabel || field.hideLabel; return { id : field.id, label : field.fieldLabel, itemCls : (field.itemCls || this.container.itemCls || '') + (field.hideLabel ? ' x-hide-label' : ''), clearCls : field.clearCls || 'x-form-clear-left', labelStyle : this.getLabelStyle(field.labelStyle), elementStyle : this.elementStyle || '', labelSeparator: noLabelSep ? '' : (Ext.isDefined(field.labelSeparator) ? field.labelSeparator : this.labelSeparator) }; }, // private adjustWidthAnchor: function(value, c){ if(c.label && !this.isHide(c) && (this.container.labelAlign != 'top')){ var adjust = Ext.isIE6 || (Ext.isIE && !Ext.isStrict); return value - this.labelAdjust + (adjust ? -3 : 0); } return value; }, adjustHeightAnchor : function(value, c){ if(c.label && !this.isHide(c) && (this.container.labelAlign == 'top')){ return value - c.label.getHeight(); } return value; }, // private isValidParent : function(c, target){ return target && this.container.getEl().contains(c.getPositionEl()); }
/** * @property activeItem * @hide */ }); Ext.Container.LAYOUTS['form'] = Ext.layout.FormLayout;