* Ext JS Library 3.3.1
* Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Sencha Inc.
* [email protected]
* http://www.sencha.com/license
* @class Ext.util.Format
* Reusable data formatting functions
* @singleton
Ext.util.Format = function() {
var trimRe = /^\s+|\s+$/g,
stripTagsRE = /<\/?[^>]+>/gi,
stripScriptsRe = /(?:)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/ig,
nl2brRe = /\r?\n/g;
return {
* Truncate a string and add an ellipsis ('...') to the end if it exceeds the specified length
* @param {String} value The string to truncate
* @param {Number} length The maximum length to allow before truncating
* @param {Boolean} word True to try to find a common work break
* @return {String} The converted text
ellipsis : function(value, len, word) {
if (value && value.length > len) {
if (word) {
var vs = value.substr(0, len - 2),
index = Math.max(vs.lastIndexOf(' '), vs.lastIndexOf('.'), vs.lastIndexOf('!'), vs.lastIndexOf('?'));
if (index == -1 || index < (len - 15)) {
return value.substr(0, len - 3) + "...";
} else {
return vs.substr(0, index) + "...";
} else {
return value.substr(0, len - 3) + "...";
return value;
* Checks a reference and converts it to empty string if it is undefined
* @param {Mixed} value Reference to check
* @return {Mixed} Empty string if converted, otherwise the original value
undef : function(value) {
return value !== undefined ? value : "";
* Checks a reference and converts it to the default value if it's empty
* @param {Mixed} value Reference to check
* @param {String} defaultValue The value to insert of it's undefined (defaults to "")
* @return {String}
defaultValue : function(value, defaultValue) {
return value !== undefined && value !== '' ? value : defaultValue;
* Convert certain characters (&, <, >, and ') to their HTML character equivalents for literal display in web pages.
* @param {String} value The string to encode
* @return {String} The encoded text
htmlEncode : function(value) {
return !value ? value : String(value).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(//**
* Convert certain characters (&, <, >, and ') from their HTML character equivalents.
* @param {String} value The string to decode
* @return {String} The decoded text
htmlDecode : function(value) {
return !value ? value : String(value).replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/&/g, "&");
* Trims any whitespace from either side of a string
* @param {String} value The text to trim
* @return {String} The trimmed text
trim : function(value) {
return String(value).replace(trimRe, "");
* Returns a substring from within an original string
* @param {String} value The original text
* @param {Number} start The start index of the substring
* @param {Number} length The length of the substring
* @return {String} The substring
substr : function(value, start, length) {
return String(value).substr(start, length);
* Converts a string to all lower case letters
* @param {String} value The text to convert
* @return {String} The converted text
lowercase : function(value) {
return String(value).toLowerCase();
* Converts a string to all upper case letters
* @param {String} value The text to convert
* @return {String} The converted text
uppercase : function(value) {
return String(value).toUpperCase();
* Converts the first character only of a string to upper case
* @param {String} value The text to convert
* @return {String} The converted text
capitalize : function(value) {
return !value ? value : value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + value.substr(1).toLowerCase();
// private
call : function(value, fn) {
if (arguments.length > 2) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
return eval(fn).apply(window, args);
} else {
return eval(fn).call(window, value);
* Format a number as US currency
* @param {Number/String} value The numeric value to format
* @return {String} The formatted currency string
usMoney : function(v) {
v = (Math.round((v-0)*100))/100;
v = (v == Math.floor(v)) ? v + ".00" : ((v*10 == Math.floor(v*10)) ? v + "0" : v);
v = String(v);
var ps = v.split('.'),
whole = ps[0],
sub = ps[1] ? '.'+ ps[1] : '.00',
r = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (r.test(whole)) {
whole = whole.replace(r, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
v = whole + sub;
if (v.charAt(0) == '-') {
return '-$' + v.substr(1);
return "$" + v;
* Parse a value into a formatted date using the specified format pattern.
* @param {String/Date} value The value to format (Strings must conform to the format expected by the javascript Date object's parse() method)
* @param {String} format (optional) Any valid date format string (defaults to 'm/d/Y')
* @return {String} The formatted date string
date : function(v, format) {
if (!v) {
return "";
if (!Ext.isDate(v)) {
v = new Date(Date.parse(v));
return v.dateFormat(format || "m/d/Y");
* Returns a date rendering function that can be reused to apply a date format multiple times efficiently
* @param {String} format Any valid date format string
* @return {Function} The date formatting function
dateRenderer : function(format) {
return function(v) {
return Ext.util.Format.date(v, format);
* Strips all HTML tags
* @param {Mixed} value The text from which to strip tags
* @return {String} The stripped text
stripTags : function(v) {
return !v ? v : String(v).replace(stripTagsRE, "");
* Strips all script tags
* @param {Mixed} value The text from which to strip script tags
* @return {String} The stripped text
stripScripts : function(v) {
return !v ? v : String(v).replace(stripScriptsRe, "");
* Simple format for a file size (xxx bytes, xxx KB, xxx MB)
* @param {Number/String} size The numeric value to format
* @return {String} The formatted file size
fileSize : function(size) {
if (size < 1024) {
return size + " bytes";
} else if (size < 1048576) {
return (Math.round(((size*10) / 1024))/10) + " KB";
} else {
return (Math.round(((size*10) / 1048576))/10) + " MB";
* It does simple math for use in a template, for example:
* var tpl = new Ext.Template('{value} * 10 = {value:math("* 10")}');
* @return {Function} A function that operates on the passed value.
math : function(){
var fns = {};
return function(v, a){
if (!fns[a]) {
fns[a] = new Function('v', 'return v ' + a + ';');
return fns[a](v);
* Rounds the passed number to the required decimal precision.
* @param {Number/String} value The numeric value to round.
* @param {Number} precision The number of decimal places to which to round the first parameter's value.
* @return {Number} The rounded value.
round : function(value, precision) {
var result = Number(value);
if (typeof precision == 'number') {
precision = Math.pow(10, precision);
result = Math.round(value * precision) / precision;
return result;
* Formats the number according to the format string.
* examples (123456.789):
* 0 - (123456) show only digits, no precision
* 0.00 - (123456.78) show only digits, 2 precision
* 0.0000 - (123456.7890) show only digits, 4 precision
* 0,000 - (123,456) show comma and digits, no precision
* 0,000.00 - (123,456.78) show comma and digits, 2 precision
* 0,0.00 - (123,456.78) shortcut method, show comma and digits, 2 precision
* To reverse the grouping (,) and decimal (.) for international numbers, add /i to the end.
* For example: 0.000,00/i
* @param {Number} v The number to format.
* @param {String} format The way you would like to format this text.
* @return {String} The formatted number.
number: function(v, format) {
if (!format) {
return v;
v = Ext.num(v, NaN);
if (isNaN(v)) {
return '';
var comma = ',',
dec = '.',
i18n = false,
neg = v < 0;
v = Math.abs(v);
if (format.substr(format.length - 2) == '/i') {
format = format.substr(0, format.length - 2);
i18n = true;
comma = '.';
dec = ',';
var hasComma = format.indexOf(comma) != -1,
psplit = (i18n ? format.replace(/[^\d\,]/g, '') : format.replace(/[^\d\.]/g, '')).split(dec);
if (1 < psplit.length) {
v = v.toFixed(psplit[1].length);
} else if(2 < psplit.length) {
throw ('NumberFormatException: invalid format, formats should have no more than 1 period: ' + format);
} else {
v = v.toFixed(0);
var fnum = v.toString();
psplit = fnum.split('.');
if (hasComma) {
var cnum = psplit[0],
parr = [],
j = cnum.length,
m = Math.floor(j / 3),
n = cnum.length % 3 || 3,
for (i = 0; i < j; i += n) {
if (i != 0) {
n = 3;
parr[parr.length] = cnum.substr(i, n);
m -= 1;
fnum = parr.join(comma);
if (psplit[1]) {
fnum += dec + psplit[1];
} else {
if (psplit[1]) {
fnum = psplit[0] + dec + psplit[1];
return (neg ? '-' : '') + format.replace(/[\d,?\.?]+/, fnum);
* Returns a number rendering function that can be reused to apply a number format multiple times efficiently
* @param {String} format Any valid number format string for {@link #number}
* @return {Function} The number formatting function
numberRenderer : function(format) {
return function(v) {
return Ext.util.Format.number(v, format);
* Selectively do a plural form of a word based on a numeric value. For example, in a template,
* {commentCount:plural("Comment")} would result in "1 Comment" if commentCount was 1 or would be "x Comments"
* if the value is 0 or greater than 1.
* @param {Number} value The value to compare against
* @param {String} singular The singular form of the word
* @param {String} plural (optional) The plural form of the word (defaults to the singular with an "s")
plural : function(v, s, p) {
return v +' ' + (v == 1 ? s : (p ? p : s+'s'));
* Converts newline characters to the HTML tag <br/>
* @param {String} The string value to format.
* @return {String} The string with embedded <br/> tags in place of newlines.
nl2br : function(v) {
return Ext.isEmpty(v) ? '' : v.replace(nl2brRe, '