/*! * Ext JS Library 3.3.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Sencha Inc. * [email protected] * http://www.sencha.com/license */ /** * @class Ext.PagingToolbar * @extends Ext.Toolbar *As the amount of records increases, the time required for the browser to render * them increases. Paging is used to reduce the amount of data exchanged with the client. * Note: if there are more records/rows than can be viewed in the available screen area, vertical * scrollbars will be added.
*Paging is typically handled on the server side (see exception below). The client sends * parameters to the server side, which the server needs to interpret and then respond with the * approprate data.
*Ext.PagingToolbar is a specialized toolbar that is bound to a {@link Ext.data.Store} * and provides automatic paging control. This Component {@link Ext.data.Store#load load}s blocks * of data into the {@link #store} by passing {@link Ext.data.Store#paramNames paramNames} used for * paging criteria.
*PagingToolbar is typically used as one of the Grid's toolbars:
** *Ext.QuickTips.init(); // to display button quicktips var myStore = new Ext.data.Store({ reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({ {@link Ext.data.JsonReader#totalProperty totalProperty}: 'results', ... }), ... }); var myPageSize = 25; // server script should only send back 25 items at a time var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ ... store: myStore, bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({ {@link #store}: myStore, // grid and PagingToolbar using same store {@link #displayInfo}: true, {@link #pageSize}: myPageSize, {@link #prependButtons}: true, items: [ 'text 1' ] }) }); *
To use paging, pass the paging requirements to the server when the store is first loaded.
** *store.load({ params: { // specify params for the first page load if using paging start: 0, limit: myPageSize, // other params foo: 'bar' } }); *
If using {@link Ext.data.Store#autoLoad store's autoLoad} configuration:
** *var myStore = new Ext.data.Store({ {@link Ext.data.Store#autoLoad autoLoad}: {params:{start: 0, limit: 25}}, ... }); *
The packet sent back from the server would have this form:
**{ "success": true, "results": 2000, "rows": [ // *Note: this must be an Array { "id": 1, "name": "Bill", "occupation": "Gardener" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Ben", "occupation": "Horticulturalist" }, ... { "id": 25, "name": "Sue", "occupation": "Botanist" } ] } *
Paging with Local Data
*Paging can also be accomplished with local data using extensions:
** @constructor Create a new PagingToolbar * @param {Object} config The config object * @xtype paging */ (function() { var T = Ext.Toolbar; Ext.PagingToolbar = Ext.extend(Ext.Toolbar, { /** * @cfg {Ext.data.Store} store * The {@link Ext.data.Store} the paging toolbar should use as its data source (required). */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} displayInfo * true to display the displayMsg (defaults to false) */ /** * @cfg {Number} pageSize * The number of records to display per page (defaults to 20) */ pageSize : 20, /** * @cfg {Boolean} prependButtons * true to insert any configured items before the paging buttons. * Defaults to false. */ /** * @cfg {String} displayMsg * The paging status message to display (defaults to 'Displaying {0} - {1} of {2}'). * Note that this string is formatted using the braced numbers {0}-{2} as tokens * that are replaced by the values for start, end and total respectively. These tokens should * be preserved when overriding this string if showing those values is desired. */ displayMsg : 'Displaying {0} - {1} of {2}', /** * @cfg {String} emptyMsg * The message to display when no records are found (defaults to 'No data to display') */ emptyMsg : 'No data to display', /** * @cfg {String} beforePageText * The text displayed before the input item (defaults to 'Page'). */ beforePageText : 'Page', /** * @cfg {String} afterPageText * Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to 'of {0}'). Note that * this string is formatted using {0} as a token that is replaced by the number of * total pages. This token should be preserved when overriding this string if showing the * total page count is desired. */ afterPageText : 'of {0}', /** * @cfg {String} firstText * The quicktip text displayed for the first page button (defaults to 'First Page'). * Note: quick tips must be initialized for the quicktip to show. */ firstText : 'First Page', /** * @cfg {String} prevText * The quicktip text displayed for the previous page button (defaults to 'Previous Page'). * Note: quick tips must be initialized for the quicktip to show. */ prevText : 'Previous Page', /** * @cfg {String} nextText * The quicktip text displayed for the next page button (defaults to 'Next Page'). * Note: quick tips must be initialized for the quicktip to show. */ nextText : 'Next Page', /** * @cfg {String} lastText * The quicktip text displayed for the last page button (defaults to 'Last Page'). * Note: quick tips must be initialized for the quicktip to show. */ lastText : 'Last Page', /** * @cfg {String} refreshText * The quicktip text displayed for the Refresh button (defaults to 'Refresh'). * Note: quick tips must be initialized for the quicktip to show. */ refreshText : 'Refresh', /** **
- Ext.ux.data.PagingStore
*- Paging Memory Proxy (examples/ux/PagingMemoryProxy.js)
should be set in the data store * (see {@link Ext.data.Store#paramNames}).Object mapping of parameter names used for load calls, initially set to:
*{start: 'start', limit: 'limit'}* @type Object * @property paramNames * @deprecated */ /** * The number of records to display per page. See also {@link #cursor}. * @type Number * @property pageSize */ /** * Indicator for the record position. This property might be used to get the active page * number for example:* @type Number * @property cursor */ initComponent : function(){ var pagingItems = [this.first = new T.Button({ tooltip: this.firstText, overflowText: this.firstText, iconCls: 'x-tbar-page-first', disabled: true, handler: this.moveFirst, scope: this }), this.prev = new T.Button({ tooltip: this.prevText, overflowText: this.prevText, iconCls: 'x-tbar-page-prev', disabled: true, handler: this.movePrevious, scope: this }), '-', this.beforePageText, this.inputItem = new Ext.form.NumberField({ cls: 'x-tbar-page-number', allowDecimals: false, allowNegative: false, enableKeyEvents: true, selectOnFocus: true, submitValue: false, listeners: { scope: this, keydown: this.onPagingKeyDown, blur: this.onPagingBlur } }), this.afterTextItem = new T.TextItem({ text: String.format(this.afterPageText, 1) }), '-', this.next = new T.Button({ tooltip: this.nextText, overflowText: this.nextText, iconCls: 'x-tbar-page-next', disabled: true, handler: this.moveNext, scope: this }), this.last = new T.Button({ tooltip: this.lastText, overflowText: this.lastText, iconCls: 'x-tbar-page-last', disabled: true, handler: this.moveLast, scope: this }), '-', this.refresh = new T.Button({ tooltip: this.refreshText, overflowText: this.refreshText, iconCls: 'x-tbar-loading', handler: this.doRefresh, scope: this })]; var userItems = this.items || this.buttons || []; if (this.prependButtons) { this.items = userItems.concat(pagingItems); }else{ this.items = pagingItems.concat(userItems); } delete this.buttons; if(this.displayInfo){ this.items.push('->'); this.items.push(this.displayItem = new T.TextItem({})); } Ext.PagingToolbar.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event change * Fires after the active page has been changed. * @param {Ext.PagingToolbar} this * @param {Object} pageData An object that has these properties:* // t is reference to the paging toolbar instance * var activePage = Math.ceil((t.cursor + t.pageSize) / t.pageSize); *
: Number activePage
: Number pages
: Number start
: Number limit
: Number (note: the names of the start and limit properties are determined * by the store's {@link Ext.data.Store#paramNames paramNames} property.)
*Parameters may be added as required in the event handler.
*/ 'beforechange' ); this.on('afterlayout', this.onFirstLayout, this, {single: true}); this.cursor = 0; this.bindStore(this.store, true); }, // private onFirstLayout : function(){ if(this.dsLoaded){ this.onLoad.apply(this, this.dsLoaded); } }, // private updateInfo : function(){ if(this.displayItem){ var count = this.store.getCount(); var msg = count == 0 ? this.emptyMsg : String.format( this.displayMsg, this.cursor+1, this.cursor+count, this.store.getTotalCount() ); this.displayItem.setText(msg); } }, // private onLoad : function(store, r, o){ if(!this.rendered){ this.dsLoaded = [store, r, o]; return; } var p = this.getParams(); this.cursor = (o.params && o.params[p.start]) ? o.params[p.start] : 0; var d = this.getPageData(), ap = d.activePage, ps = d.pages; this.afterTextItem.setText(String.format(this.afterPageText, d.pages)); this.inputItem.setValue(ap); this.first.setDisabled(ap == 1); this.prev.setDisabled(ap == 1); this.next.setDisabled(ap == ps); this.last.setDisabled(ap == ps); this.refresh.enable(); this.updateInfo(); this.fireEvent('change', this, d); }, // private getPageData : function(){ var total = this.store.getTotalCount(); return { total : total, activePage : Math.ceil((this.cursor+this.pageSize)/this.pageSize), pages : total < this.pageSize ? 1 : Math.ceil(total/this.pageSize) }; }, /** * Change the active page * @param {Integer} page The page to display */ changePage : function(page){ this.doLoad(((page-1) * this.pageSize).constrain(0, this.store.getTotalCount())); }, // private onLoadError : function(){ if(!this.rendered){ return; } this.refresh.enable(); }, // private readPage : function(d){ var v = this.inputItem.getValue(), pageNum; if (!v || isNaN(pageNum = parseInt(v, 10))) { this.inputItem.setValue(d.activePage); return false; } return pageNum; }, onPagingFocus : function(){ this.inputItem.select(); }, //private onPagingBlur : function(e){ this.inputItem.setValue(this.getPageData().activePage); }, // private onPagingKeyDown : function(field, e){ var k = e.getKey(), d = this.getPageData(), pageNum; if (k == e.RETURN) { e.stopEvent(); pageNum = this.readPage(d); if(pageNum !== false){ pageNum = Math.min(Math.max(1, pageNum), d.pages) - 1; this.doLoad(pageNum * this.pageSize); } }else if (k == e.HOME || k == e.END){ e.stopEvent(); pageNum = k == e.HOME ? 1 : d.pages; field.setValue(pageNum); }else if (k == e.UP || k == e.PAGEUP || k == e.DOWN || k == e.PAGEDOWN){ e.stopEvent(); if((pageNum = this.readPage(d))){ var increment = e.shiftKey ? 10 : 1; if(k == e.DOWN || k == e.PAGEDOWN){ increment *= -1; } pageNum += increment; if(pageNum >= 1 & pageNum <= d.pages){ field.setValue(pageNum); } } } }, // private getParams : function(){ //retain backwards compat, allow params on the toolbar itself, if they exist. return this.paramNames || this.store.paramNames; }, // private beforeLoad : function(){ if(this.rendered && this.refresh){ this.refresh.disable(); } }, // private doLoad : function(start){ var o = {}, pn = this.getParams(); o[pn.start] = start; o[pn.limit] = this.pageSize; if(this.fireEvent('beforechange', this, o) !== false){ this.store.load({params:o}); } }, /** * Move to the first page, has the same effect as clicking the 'first' button. */ moveFirst : function(){ this.doLoad(0); }, /** * Move to the previous page, has the same effect as clicking the 'previous' button. */ movePrevious : function(){ this.doLoad(Math.max(0, this.cursor-this.pageSize)); }, /** * Move to the next page, has the same effect as clicking the 'next' button. */ moveNext : function(){ this.doLoad(this.cursor+this.pageSize); }, /** * Move to the last page, has the same effect as clicking the 'last' button. */ moveLast : function(){ var total = this.store.getTotalCount(), extra = total % this.pageSize; this.doLoad(extra ? (total - extra) : total - this.pageSize); }, /** * Refresh the current page, has the same effect as clicking the 'refresh' button. */ doRefresh : function(){ this.doLoad(this.cursor); }, /** * Binds the paging toolbar to the specified {@link Ext.data.Store} * @param {Store} store The store to bind to this toolbar * @param {Boolean} initial (Optional) true to not remove listeners */ bindStore : function(store, initial){ var doLoad; if(!initial && this.store){ if(store !== this.store && this.store.autoDestroy){ this.store.destroy(); }else{ this.store.un('beforeload', this.beforeLoad, this); this.store.un('load', this.onLoad, this); this.store.un('exception', this.onLoadError, this); } if(!store){ this.store = null; } } if(store){ store = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup(store); store.on({ scope: this, beforeload: this.beforeLoad, load: this.onLoad, exception: this.onLoadError }); doLoad = true; } this.store = store; if(doLoad){ this.onLoad(store, null, {}); } }, /** * Unbinds the paging toolbar from the specified {@link Ext.data.Store} (deprecated) * @param {Ext.data.Store} store The data store to unbind */ unbind : function(store){ this.bindStore(null); }, /** * Binds the paging toolbar to the specified {@link Ext.data.Store} (deprecated) * @param {Ext.data.Store} store The data store to bind */ bind : function(store){ this.bindStore(store); }, // private onDestroy : function(){ this.bindStore(null); Ext.PagingToolbar.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); } }); })(); Ext.reg('paging', Ext.PagingToolbar);