 * Ext JS Library 3.3.1
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Sencha Inc.
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 * http://www.sencha.com/license
/** * @class Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel * @extends Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel * The default SelectionModel used by {@link Ext.grid.GridPanel}. * It supports multiple selections and keyboard selection/navigation. The objects stored * as selections and returned by {@link #getSelected}, and {@link #getSelections} are * the {@link Ext.data.Record Record}s which provide the data for the selected rows. * @constructor * @param {Object} config */ Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel, {
/** * @cfg {Boolean} singleSelect * true to allow selection of only one row at a time (defaults to false * allowing multiple selections) */ singleSelect : false, constructor : function(config){ Ext.apply(this, config); this.selections = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, function(o){ return o.id; }); this.last = false; this.lastActive = false; this.addEvents(
/** * @event selectionchange * Fires when the selection changes * @param {SelectionModel} this */ 'selectionchange',
/** * @event beforerowselect * Fires before a row is selected, return false to cancel the selection. * @param {SelectionModel} this * @param {Number} rowIndex The index to be selected * @param {Boolean} keepExisting False if other selections will be cleared * @param {Record} record The record to be selected */ 'beforerowselect',
/** * @event rowselect * Fires when a row is selected. * @param {SelectionModel} this * @param {Number} rowIndex The selected index * @param {Ext.data.Record} r The selected record */ 'rowselect',
/** * @event rowdeselect * Fires when a row is deselected. To prevent deselection * {@link Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel#lock lock the selections}. * @param {SelectionModel} this * @param {Number} rowIndex * @param {Record} record */ 'rowdeselect' ); Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.superclass.constructor.call(this); },
/** * @cfg {Boolean} moveEditorOnEnter * false to turn off moving the editor to the next row down when the enter key is pressed * or the next row up when shift + enter keys are pressed. */ // private initEvents : function(){ if(!this.grid.enableDragDrop && !this.grid.enableDrag){ this.grid.on('rowmousedown', this.handleMouseDown, this); } this.rowNav = new Ext.KeyNav(this.grid.getGridEl(), { up: this.onKeyPress, down: this.onKeyPress, scope: this }); this.grid.getView().on({ scope: this, refresh: this.onRefresh, rowupdated: this.onRowUpdated, rowremoved: this.onRemove }); }, onKeyPress : function(e, name){ var up = name == 'up', method = up ? 'selectPrevious' : 'selectNext', add = up ? -1 : 1, last; if(!e.shiftKey || this.singleSelect){ this[method](false); }else if(this.last !== false && this.lastActive !== false){ last = this.last; this.selectRange(this.last, this.lastActive + add); this.grid.getView().focusRow(this.lastActive); if(last !== false){ this.last = last; } }else{ this.selectFirstRow(); } }, // private onRefresh : function(){ var ds = this.grid.store, s = this.getSelections(), i = 0, len = s.length, index, r; this.silent = true; this.clearSelections(true); for(; i < len; i++){ r = s[i]; if((index = ds.indexOfId(r.id)) != -1){ this.selectRow(index, true); } } if(s.length != this.selections.getCount()){ this.fireEvent('selectionchange', this); } this.silent = false; }, // private onRemove : function(v, index, r){ if(this.selections.remove(r) !== false){ this.fireEvent('selectionchange', this); } }, // private onRowUpdated : function(v, index, r){ if(this.isSelected(r)){ v.onRowSelect(index); } },
/** * Select records. * @param {Array} records The records to select * @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) true to keep existing selections */ selectRecords : function(records, keepExisting){ if(!keepExisting){ this.clearSelections(); } var ds = this.grid.store, i = 0, len = records.length; for(; i < len; i++){ this.selectRow(ds.indexOf(records[i]), true); } },
/** * Gets the number of selected rows. * @return {Number} */ getCount : function(){ return this.selections.length; },
/** * Selects the first row in the grid. */ selectFirstRow : function(){ this.selectRow(0); },
/** * Select the last row. * @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) true to keep existing selections */ selectLastRow : function(keepExisting){ this.selectRow(this.grid.store.getCount() - 1, keepExisting); },
/** * Selects the row immediately following the last selected row. * @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) true to keep existing selections * @return {Boolean} true if there is a next row, else false */ selectNext : function(keepExisting){ if(this.hasNext()){ this.selectRow(this.last+1, keepExisting); this.grid.getView().focusRow(this.last); return true; } return false; },
/** * Selects the row that precedes the last selected row. * @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) true to keep existing selections * @return {Boolean} true if there is a previous row, else false */ selectPrevious : function(keepExisting){ if(this.hasPrevious()){ this.selectRow(this.last-1, keepExisting); this.grid.getView().focusRow(this.last); return true; } return false; },
/** * Returns true if there is a next record to select * @return {Boolean} */ hasNext : function(){ return this.last !== false && (this.last+1) < this.grid.store.getCount(); },
/** * Returns true if there is a previous record to select * @return {Boolean} */ hasPrevious : function(){ return !!this.last; },
/** * Returns the selected records * @return {Array} Array of selected records */ getSelections : function(){ return [].concat(this.selections.items); },
/** * Returns the first selected record. * @return {Record} */ getSelected : function(){ return this.selections.itemAt(0); },
/** * Calls the passed function with each selection. If the function returns * false, iteration is stopped and this function returns * false. Otherwise it returns true. * @param {Function} fn The function to call upon each iteration. It is passed the selected {@link Ext.data.Record Record}. * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (this reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to this RowSelectionModel. * @return {Boolean} true if all selections were iterated */ each : function(fn, scope){ var s = this.getSelections(), i = 0, len = s.length; for(; i < len; i++){ if(fn.call(scope || this, s[i], i) === false){ return false; } } return true; },
/** * Clears all selections if the selection model * {@link Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel#isLocked is not locked}. * @param {Boolean} fast (optional) true to bypass the * conditional checks and events described in {@link #deselectRow}. */ clearSelections : function(fast){ if(this.isLocked()){ return; } if(fast !== true){ var ds = this.grid.store, s = this.selections; s.each(function(r){ this.deselectRow(ds.indexOfId(r.id)); }, this); s.clear(); }else{ this.selections.clear(); } this.last = false; },
/** * Selects all rows if the selection model * {@link Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel#isLocked is not locked}. */ selectAll : function(){ if(this.isLocked()){ return; } this.selections.clear(); for(var i = 0, len = this.grid.store.getCount(); i < len; i++){ this.selectRow(i, true); } },
/** * Returns true if there is a selection. * @return {Boolean} */ hasSelection : function(){ return this.selections.length > 0; },
/** * Returns true if the specified row is selected. * @param {Number/Record} index The record or index of the record to check * @return {Boolean} */ isSelected : function(index){ var r = Ext.isNumber(index) ? this.grid.store.getAt(index) : index; return (r && this.selections.key(r.id) ? true : false); },
/** * Returns true if the specified record id is selected. * @param {String} id The id of record to check * @return {Boolean} */ isIdSelected : function(id){ return (this.selections.key(id) ? true : false); }, // private handleMouseDown : function(g, rowIndex, e){ if(e.button !== 0 || this.isLocked()){ return; } var view = this.grid.getView(); if(e.shiftKey && !this.singleSelect && this.last !== false){ var last = this.last; this.selectRange(last, rowIndex, e.ctrlKey); this.last = last; // reset the last view.focusRow(rowIndex); }else{ var isSelected = this.isSelected(rowIndex); if(e.ctrlKey && isSelected){ this.deselectRow(rowIndex); }else if(!isSelected || this.getCount() > 1){ this.selectRow(rowIndex, e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey); view.focusRow(rowIndex); } } },
/** * Selects multiple rows. * @param {Array} rows Array of the indexes of the row to select * @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) true to keep * existing selections (defaults to false) */ selectRows : function(rows, keepExisting){ if(!keepExisting){ this.clearSelections(); } for(var i = 0, len = rows.length; i < len; i++){ this.selectRow(rows[i], true); } },
/** * Selects a range of rows if the selection model * {@link Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel#isLocked is not locked}. * All rows in between startRow and endRow are also selected. * @param {Number} startRow The index of the first row in the range * @param {Number} endRow The index of the last row in the range * @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) True to retain existing selections */ selectRange : function(startRow, endRow, keepExisting){ var i; if(this.isLocked()){ return; } if(!keepExisting){ this.clearSelections(); } if(startRow <= endRow){ for(i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++){ this.selectRow(i, true); } }else{ for(i = startRow; i >= endRow; i--){ this.selectRow(i, true); } } },
/** * Deselects a range of rows if the selection model * {@link Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel#isLocked is not locked}. * All rows in between startRow and endRow are also deselected. * @param {Number} startRow The index of the first row in the range * @param {Number} endRow The index of the last row in the range */ deselectRange : function(startRow, endRow, preventViewNotify){ if(this.isLocked()){ return; } for(var i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++){ this.deselectRow(i, preventViewNotify); } },
/** * Selects a row. Before selecting a row, checks if the selection model * {@link Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel#isLocked is locked} and fires the * {@link #beforerowselect} event. If these checks are satisfied the row * will be selected and followed up by firing the {@link #rowselect} and * {@link #selectionchange} events. * @param {Number} row The index of the row to select * @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) true to keep existing selections * @param {Boolean} preventViewNotify (optional) Specify true to * prevent notifying the view (disables updating the selected appearance) */ selectRow : function(index, keepExisting, preventViewNotify){ if(this.isLocked() || (index < 0 || index >= this.grid.store.getCount()) || (keepExisting && this.isSelected(index))){ return; } var r = this.grid.store.getAt(index); if(r && this.fireEvent('beforerowselect', this, index, keepExisting, r) !== false){ if(!keepExisting || this.singleSelect){ this.clearSelections(); } this.selections.add(r); this.last = this.lastActive = index; if(!preventViewNotify){ this.grid.getView().onRowSelect(index); } if(!this.silent){ this.fireEvent('rowselect', this, index, r); this.fireEvent('selectionchange', this); } } },
/** * Deselects a row. Before deselecting a row, checks if the selection model * {@link Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel#isLocked is locked}. * If this check is satisfied the row will be deselected and followed up by * firing the {@link #rowdeselect} and {@link #selectionchange} events. * @param {Number} row The index of the row to deselect * @param {Boolean} preventViewNotify (optional) Specify true to * prevent notifying the view (disables updating the selected appearance) */ deselectRow : function(index, preventViewNotify){ if(this.isLocked()){ return; } if(this.last == index){ this.last = false; } if(this.lastActive == index){ this.lastActive = false; } var r = this.grid.store.getAt(index); if(r){ this.selections.remove(r); if(!preventViewNotify){ this.grid.getView().onRowDeselect(index); } this.fireEvent('rowdeselect', this, index, r); this.fireEvent('selectionchange', this); } }, // private acceptsNav : function(row, col, cm){ return !cm.isHidden(col) && cm.isCellEditable(col, row); }, // private onEditorKey : function(field, e){ var k = e.getKey(), newCell, g = this.grid, last = g.lastEdit, ed = g.activeEditor, shift = e.shiftKey, ae, last, r, c; if(k == e.TAB){ e.stopEvent(); ed.completeEdit(); if(shift){ newCell = g.walkCells(ed.row, ed.col-1, -1, this.acceptsNav, this); }else{ newCell = g.walkCells(ed.row, ed.col+1, 1, this.acceptsNav, this); } }else if(k == e.ENTER){ if(this.moveEditorOnEnter !== false){ if(shift){ newCell = g.walkCells(last.row - 1, last.col, -1, this.acceptsNav, this); }else{ newCell = g.walkCells(last.row + 1, last.col, 1, this.acceptsNav, this); } } } if(newCell){ r = newCell[0]; c = newCell[1]; this.onEditorSelect(r, last.row); if(g.isEditor && g.editing){ // *** handle tabbing while editorgrid is in edit mode ae = g.activeEditor; if(ae && ae.field.triggerBlur){ // *** if activeEditor is a TriggerField, explicitly call its triggerBlur() method ae.field.triggerBlur(); } } g.startEditing(r, c); } }, onEditorSelect: function(row, lastRow){ if(lastRow != row){ this.selectRow(row); // *** highlight newly-selected cell and update selection } }, destroy : function(){ Ext.destroy(this.rowNav); this.rowNav = null; Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.superclass.destroy.call(this); } });